Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Week Madness!

Oh my goodness! This last week flew by!

It was so crazy, first is move in and putting the room together and meeting up with friends. After all it had been a long summer and I missed my Laramie people. I also started my new job, which was terrifying. I am Copy Editor of the Branding Iron, which basically means I put the stories that are all written up onto the paper and make them look pretty. Its definitely a learning process but a week later everything is going by much faster. As my boss keeps telling me, just ask when you don't know something. Its better to ask and do it right then to have someone else fix it later, which is my boss's job but when its done right the first time everything goes faster.

 So after getting back into the swing of things is when I went to get my router fixed it turned out that my computer had malware all over it!! (Well they said it wasn't that bad) However, two and a half hours later I had to run off to work leaving my computer overnight at IT. Seriously guys, go to IT. They are super under-appreciated, but it all comes down to customer service. I have had wonderful and terrible experiences with IT just depending on how my mood was and who I was talking to. They know what they are doing and have always been able to fix my computer. So plan for up to an hour or two to go over if your baby is sick and more often than not you're walking out a whole lot sooner.

Alright I'll post more later, just wanted to let you know I hadn't fallen off the face of the earth.

How was adjusting to the first week?

- WyoBelle

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