Look at how far we've come! It's already the second day of fall. The leaves have started to turn colors, UW has been in session for three weeks already, tests are beginning to start, football has arrived, and better temperatures are descending.
Fall also means Bid Day for Fraternity and Sorority Life here at UW! It was the weekend before last and I had the best time! I am so excited with our new Hooties, and I can't wait to see their faces more. Don't you just love how talented and crafty some of my sisters are?
I love Autumn. It still has the warm days of summer and yet alludes to my favorite season of all, winter. I know I love winter, but I'm not ready for it yet. I however am super excited for the start of autumn. Warm colors come into play, I get to wear some of my favorite clothes, like riding boots and blazers. I get to bask in the sound of rain on the roof, and leaves crunching under my foot. Seriously that is one of the best feelings ever.
With the start of fall comes the start of tests and presentations. I have a Spanish presentation later today! The most important thing that I have found is study in small increments as soon as you can so you aren't rushing the night before to get oodles of homework done. These weekend are some of the best of the year to go out and do things. Hunting season is upon us, and so descends the copious amounts of camo that is to be worn.
I say get things done, do them early, so when you get a wake up call saying "hey wanna go paintballing with me and the guys?" You can go and don't have to stay up waaaaay past your bed time like I did last night getting homework done. Also, if you get that invite, totally go. It is so worth it for the spontaneous memories and great times. I ended up going to Saratoga after the football game (I'd never been!) and then paintballing the next morning. In my opinion it was a great weekend.
How was your weekend? Have classes gotten intense all of a sudden for you too?
P.S. Go get the flu shot. Seriously do it. I came down with whatever last week and was basically on my deathbed. My roommates were worried sick. And missing class was awful. You don't want that to happen, and they offer them on campus. My tip of the day!