After finishing the last two weeks of summer, I was super excited to come back to school. I don't know why but the feeling of how good this semester is going to be just seems to be contagious. It's having a schedule, seeing friends again, seeing Laramie bustling full of students all eager (or maybe not so eager) to start again.
I had the best Labor Day weekend. It was full of many BBQ's and catching up with old friends. Right now the band is playing outside of my window getting ready for the Air Force game this weekend, and in honor of that it's honoring our military. Very patriotic. I only hope we don't get rained on quite as much as last weekend.
I really applaud UW for the pep rally. Craig Morgan was amazing and he really catered to the crowd. I didn't realize that his whole band was full of local Wyomingites... and one Coloradan. Highlight of that was probably one of the girls I was with, a Chi Omega Sister, was pulled up on stage with him!
This weekend is also looking great. At 8:30 Thursday night the Country Swing Club is meeting upstairs in the Union, probably my favorite event all week. Lots of people just getting together to learn how to swing dance and a couple of line dances. Seriously makes my day. I also love going to the Cowboy for their 18+ Swing dance night on Wednesdays, however the first two to three weeks it's always so packed that barely any dancing happens, I end up waiting a few weeks to have a much better time.
Friday Night Fever Kicks off the start of school with their weekly movie, this time it's going to be Captain America: The Winter Soldier. They are holding the annual Casino Night in the Union. My freshmen year I was a little too gun shy to actually enjoy it. I am taking full advantage of the free entertainment this year and I will be one of the dealers at the tables.
Volleyball has a packed weekend and I hope to catch one of their three matches this weekend. Friday at 12pm and 7pm, and Saturday at 12pm. Football will be amazing, I hope we are as packed as last weekend was, check out the UW picture to the right! Kickoff against Air Force is at 8:15 and a little birdie told me that the band has a special surprise planned!
Now I need to finish organizing my closet... I swear I just find more things that magically appear each time I move! Hope move in went well for everyone this past weekend!
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