Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday Fodder

Jumping right in here! Little video centric.

1. Lady Gaga Carpool Karaoke

Honestly I can't get enough of this video. It's just something that continually makes me smile. Especially when they use Bennedict as a vocal warm up. Her voice is just amazing.

2. Homesick Candles
Homesick Candles
Potentially a phenomenal idea. Especially for those, like me, who've been displaced from their original home states. I was so excited when I learned about these candles and hopped on the website. All in all they look great. Personally I don't think the person who made Wyoming's has ever been there, or has any vague idea about what Wyoming should smell like. However the vast majority seemed spot on. I feel like if I'm really homesick and I want to feel better I'll buy Utah's, Colorado's, or Texas's because all their descriptions hit what Wy-home-ing smells like to me.
I'm sorry I couldn't resist that little insert. Let me know if you have one of these candles or if you think the description looks like home!

3. National Anthem, Hockey, and Painting.

I said that this was going to be video-centric and I'm not sorry. While our election season may have us tearing our hair out at least this is a feel good we can all like.

4. LinkedIn Learning
To balance all the fun, here's something that you can work on to improve yourself if you're bored on this Friday. LinkedIn Learning, this week for free you can go and take the courses offered by LinkedIn to help make you more competitive at work and in the career market!

5. Teen Slang: DC Edition

I don't know what it is about late night comedy, but they're killing it recently. Or I mean always. Here's a little tidbit that might not be as amazing to others as it is to me, just be glad you didn't listen to me when I first heard it. I may or may not have laughed a little too hard. There's just something about having to listen to the 24 hour news cycle at work that made this great.

Have a safe and exciting Halloween this weekend! And in case you haven't seen it yet here's some laughs, what are you going to be for Halloween?!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I've been devouring books lately, and will probably have quite a few more literary adventures to post in the near future. However, Brida stood out to me far more than the trove of others. As a huge lover of fantasy and escapism Brida was an interesting mix of reality, religion, romance, and possibility.

As with other books from Paulo Coelho, when I finished reading Brida it felt as if the whole world had shifted, yes it's one of those books. Similarly with the other books I've read from Coelho, it seemed to come at a point in my life when I most needed it. A fast read, that kept me entertained and I was able to read in a cozy Sunday evening. As can be evidenced by my pictures with my salmon turnovers and homemade creamy potato soup. I'm certainly enjoying this fall weather and using the early evenings to their advantage!

 It was nice to see a main character, around my age, learning where she fits in the world in a way that is so realistic. The book shows that not everything is perfect, and sometimes your life path changes in ways you hadn't expected, but like everyone else we learn to deal with it and move on. The best part? This was not the main struggle that Brida tries to overcome, but simply another part of a normal life.

 I love a book that can teach me something and Brida did. The material strays into what modern witches identify as, how their religion works, and how our universe works while realizing that one of the most important questions we can ever ask is, "Who is my other half, and how will they help make life better?" This is wonderfully shown that a soul mate is often not your only love in life, and that a soul mate isn't necessarily the person you're meant to be with my the one whose been put in your life to teach you something.

The novel grapples with both young love, and past loves, and yet still manages to find it's way into your brain, into your soul to see where this applies in your life. I truly adore Paulo Coelho and would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on the book! Brida receives one of the largest recommendations I can give!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday's Fodder

So I may have a problem with alliteration. I'm working on it, well slightly, I'm also trying to convince everyone that it's flannel friday and we will see how that works out. I've been having issues with my internet at home. So, now that it's working again here are my top five picks from the last week!

1. Closer - Acoustic Version
This popped up on my facebook page, and I'm in love with Conor Maynard's voice. See why I fell in love:

Both of these two are incredible artists. You can listen to Conor and Alexa at these links!

2. Levo League - The First Time I Felt Like a Grownup...
We've been there. The first time that we feel adult. Sometimes we get those feelings and then as we grow older we have them again. I always thought it would come with my first apartment or my first 'big girl job' but somehow it didn't. Driving across the country? Sure it was scary, but it didn't hit me. Traveling as an adult with friends because I had the money and I wanted to? An amazing trip, but we still felt like college kids (maybe because the majority of the rest of them were). My first time I felt like a grownup? Making a budget, checking my credit score, and then getting internet/phone/tv at my row house sure I'd had college apartments, but I haven't lived at a solid location, let alone a house, since I was in high school. And I very much look forward to making my own style choices, I mean when I have the money for that.

3. Vegetable Spiralizer
I can't even tell you how amazing this has been for me. I'll explore more about why in a later post, but, I've fallen in love with this! Also you can make noodles then throw them in a blender and pulse for a few minutes and make rice. What's better than that. Below is an example of my Zoodles. I'll add more recipes soon.

4. Prime Pantry 
I've recently found out that if you have a prime account you can get things at extremely discounted prices and then shipped straight to your house. Food, cleaning products, beauty products, and more. It's taken up my spare time at work just seeing how many things I could get that I want at a discount and sent to me. So far it looks like I'll spend far more money than I need to, but I am going to need to buy these things at one point or another. Also right now they're doing a deal where if you get 5 items in your box that fall under a certain area then you can get free shipping!

5. Love your life - Embody the passion you want in the world
I don't know about you, but for me these last few weeks I've been surrounding myself or seeing motivation and inspirational quotes. Which I love, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, however I love when this brings new vocabulary into my life. My favorite so far is below. Trying to become who you really are can